


Invited keynote speaker

Jari Lavonen (Professor, Helsinki University, Finland, [email protected] )

Eisuke Saito (Lecturer, Monash University, Australia, [email protected] )

Anders Schultz(Rysensteen Gymnasium, Denmark, [email protected] )


Korea arrival/departure schedule(2024. Jan)


  1. The airfare will be reimbursed through the agency to each account after January 3rd.
  2. The driver will be waiting in the airport arrival hall with a picket sign according to the arrival time. English communication may not be smooth. If you use transportation between official schedules, please contact the driver via text/call.

Transportation and mobility assistance



-Providing a ‘BENZ Sprinter’ or a van of similar class(1/9~1/13). -Driver: Mr. Kim Jang-Gu, C.P. : 82+10-4646-3767

  1. A dedicated vehicle and driver will be provided during the scheduled period - We will provide support for the transportation of invited speakers from the airport to their accommodations and to Cheongju National University of Education, in accordance with the pre-agreed schedule and transportation plans. (Please check the availability of support if you deviate from the main routes during the schedule.)
  2. We will provide the Movement convenience for the Keynote Speaker’s from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM (support available until 10:00 PM after prior consultation) for every 5 days from January 9th to January 13th.

Accommodation support